Friday, September 07, 2007

Symbolism in Meditation Part 2

The dimmed light is to reduce extreme stimuli, which would make it more difficult to still the mind. If the ambient noise can not be blocked, relaxing and uplifting music may be played to shut it out. In fact, such music may well be part of your ritual whether needed or not. If you find it conducive to meditation, there is no reason not to play it quietly in the background. My only suggestion there is that the music should be pure and without voice or words. The mind will latch on to the words and instead of meditating, will sing along with the songs.
There are some visualizations that the mind tends to gravitate to when meditating. You could visualize rising on an escalator into the light and beauty of the universe. Or you could visualize the surface of the mind as the surface of a pond. When a thought bubbles up, it will cause a ripple on the surface, but that is quickly returned to the state of stillness. There are other visualizations that go with other meditations, but in general, whatever visualization represents the blossoming of the higher self is quite appropriate. Personally, I do not consciously visualize with a mantra meditation. I focus all of my attention on the mantra and treat visualizations as bubbles coming to the surface, to be noted and dismissed.
All of this is to say that meditation is a very personal thing, some methods work for some, others for others. As a preliminary to meditation, it might be interesting to obtain a "mood ring" or other item made of the same material. While holding it, attempt to turn it the most beautiful shade of blue that you can imagine. The first thing you will note is that the very act of trying will prevent the stone from changing as you have not relaxed and stilled your mind. You have actually added another stress to a system carrying too much stress already.

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