Thursday, August 16, 2007

Begin Again

Begin again, said the inner voice
Just as the seasons change,
And life begins anew each spring.
Put the endings of autumn behind you,
Take the rest that winter affords,
And burst forth anew in spring,
More glorious still with each new day.
Wear your scars proudly as a badge
Of growth and wisdom, earned honestly.
Stand fast, as the tree stands fast.
Bend with the willow, accept your fate.
Provide shelter to the passers by.
Keep your roots in the earth,
And your head in the sky.
Count the new beginnings on the rings
Of growth within your soul.
Trust the Force that gives you life,
To sustain you in your hour of need,
And aim to be the best damned tree
That the Force and fate will let you be


Alexys Fairfield said...

Thanks for the wake up blast. I look at every day as a new beginning, a fresh start and an opportunity to be born into a new experience.

Great post.

Jim said...

Wearing them proudly, but thankful they are past, living the best I can, doing my best, you give good advice and good reminders, Thanks Zareba, Love and Peace always to you and yours.

Alexys Fairfield said...

Hi Zareba,
I just awarded you with the Inspirational Blogger Award. Stop by my place and get more details.

Peace and congratulations.

Zareba said...

I wrote this particular poem a number of years ago when life was very difficult indeed. I suppose it was more a pep talk to myself than anything else.

It is wonderful that it inspires others as well, and Alexys...I have never received such an award before. I am deeply honored that you have given me this award. I hope to live up to the inspiration part.