Sunday, November 29, 2009

This is for you, Heather

You never know when even the smallest kindness brightens another's day, or even restores their faith in human kindness. If we try each day to do even the smallest good thing, we could change the world.
I have again taken a hospital vacation. The local hospital staff know me well and treat me even better. The monotonous routine becomes boring quickly, with a lot of empty hours. In order to fill some of those hours and reduce the load on the already over-burdened nursing staff, I do as much of my own care as I can. It often takes me all morning to do my “washing up” but it does fill in the time and makes me feel useful.

About half way through my stay, my nurse of the day walked into my room and asked me if I would like a shower. Would I ever!!! She came back and collected me with a white PVC pipe minimalist chair with wheels. I sat down and held my feet yo, not quite knowing what to expect. We sped down the hall, around the corner and into a small room with a water proof floor and walls. All the shower fixtures were on one side of the room, and on the other side was a shelving unit with every product you can wish for.

My nurse donned a pair of rubber boots with white fish all over them, and proceeded to help me shower and wash my hair without getting my Trach at all wet. After turning the taps off, she helped me dry off, put on a robe and wrapped my hair in a towel. Then it was back in the shower chair and down the hall to my room. I put on clean everything, dried and combed my hair and had a nice nap.

I felt so much better about life, the universe and everything. I doubt that she knows what a great gift she gave me that day. I will not forget.


Margie said...

Dearest Z
So sorry to know you are in the hospital ... I shall keep you in my good thoughts and prayers!

I know you will not forget that very special gift that Heather gave to you!
Bless her and bless you!

Take the best of care!


Margie said...

And please know how much I care!
I hope you will be back home soon!

I'll never forget our wonderful conversations!
You are so very wonderful!!!

Love to you ...


Michelle (hometc) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle (hometc) said...

I deleted my previous comment because I was signed into the wrong Google account. Wanted you to be able to find my blogs too! I can definitely relate, you don't realize what a luxury taking a shower is until you can't get one! Hope you feel better soon!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comments it means so much! It's not often that you meet someone you feel that connection with and when we do you want to hold on to it forever. Meeting you was the highlight of my week. At the time I was thinking I was not doing enough in my life to make a difference and you reminded me that doing the smallest things for someone can make a big difference! I'm so glad we met and I know I'm going to enjoy getting to know you. Thank You Heather

jon be me said...

As they say, Z, something as simple as "a smile" can change the world... or at least the persons day that you smiled at!
(and it can change your day too!)

Zareba said...

Thank you all for your kind and loving comments. It is true that we seldom know the effects of the good we do.

There was a wonderful woman in my life as I was growing up. I did not know that her time here was short, and I never told her how much she meant to me. It is one of my biggest regrets.

One of my greatest pleasures is around this time of year. My daughter, now grown, and I go shopping and "we grin ourselves a bear, just like Davey Crocket." In fact, we grin ourseves a number of bears.I will miss it this year, but we still have the memories.

May you all grin a few bears, and be grinned as well.


Zareba said...

Thanks Margie. I am always delighted to find you here. May your Holiday Season be filled with all good things.


Zareba said...

Michelle, I look forward to getting to know you through your blogs and mine.

May your Holiday Season be all that you could wish for.


Zareba said...

Hi Jon Be Me.

Always a delight. You are so right about even a simple smile can change the world. The secret that we don't realize is while we are busy changing the world, the world is changing us.

May your Holidays be filled with joy.


Zareba said...

And Heather ..... I hope you know how much you brightened my day and my life. It was a hard time for me to find myself back in hospital.

I believe we both gained, you for giving, and me for being given such a gentle and loving experience. You truly have a healing touch.

I am also looking forward to getting tgo know you.ds

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