Saturday, September 15, 2007

Gaia's Garden

It is over two years since I was able to do anything in my outdoor paradise. Gaia has continued to look after this lovely spot which I cherish for the peace it offers me.
These pictures include the well garden area, my mysterious shrub enhanced area, a Maple moth, a new rose that grew from seed from other roses, a sunset and what the astilibe does after nightfall.


Alexys Fairfield said...

What a peaceful place. Beautiful.

Paul said...

Beautiful and great that you can still care for it and appreciate it even without access.

It's been three and a half years since I've been physically capable of leaving my house by any means, and due to "a headache" that's lasted now for about six years and easily turns into a migraine, the house is all shuttered up.

One time a guy came in to install an ac in my bedroom and I saw a slice of blue sky for about three seconds. It just seemed to glow.

Zareba said...

Paul, my heart goes out to you. I can not imagine being unable to at least see natures beauty. I am no longer able to care for it, but it keeps giving back to me regardless.

Are you able to at least put pictures up on your desk top and enjoy nature vicariously?

When I was in intensive care, the hospital staff were wonderful to me. My partner brought my lap top to the hospital and the staff would plug it in and recharge the battery and put it where I could at least bring up pictures and stay a wee bit in contact that way. I swear it fed my desire to come home so much that even though I died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital on April 6th, 2006 and contrary to everyone's predictions came home exactly one month later.There were a lot more forces at work but that was a small part of it.

My email is Please write to me.

Zareba said...

Thank you, Alexys. I have called it my 30+ acres of valium more than once. Talk about life coming full circle. I began in rural Ontario, moved to Toronto, then Halifax, then here, which is again a very rural area.I wish I could bottle the peace and tranquility and share it.

Jim said...

Wonderful Garden, great pics, you are very fortunate. I love the third up, the tremendous greenery with a little sky peeking thru, so much to enter into.